Moms (secret) Anti-Flu Drink

If you follow me on twitter (which I totally think you should…), you probably know that i’ve been sick for the past few days.

Nothing to worry about, I just got a bad case of the flu. Anyway after spending one night in my own bed while running a fever I decided that I probably would be better off at my parents place. Not only do they have a fully stocked fridge (the only two things I had in my fridge at that moment where olives and butter…), but my mom makes the best anti-flu drink!

If you’re feeling a bit under the weather you should definitely give this a try. The drink contains loads of vitamin C and the cognac warms your tummy. Don’t worry, if you don’t like the alcohol you can leave the cognac!



  • juice of one and a half lemon
  • 1/5 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1 cup/ 240 ml. boiling water
  • 3,5 tablespoons cognac
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

How to:

1. Pour the boiling water in a glass or a mug.

2. Sqeeze the juice from one and a half lemon and mix this with the water.

3. Add the ground nutmeg, the sugar and the cognac.

4. Mix everything together.

5. Garnish with a lemon slice, because a fancy glass will also help to make you feel better!

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